April 6, 2008
Added the Water project, images of water
in winter, flowing and frozen.
December 26, 2007
Added the Milkweed project, a series of images of milkweed seeds and
pods, changed the cover image to milkweed, and added this What's new
I didn't realize I shared a love of this plant with a lot of other
people until this year. I've sold sold a number of milkweed prints and
web visitors come here looking for milkweed images frequently. It seemed
time to share my milkweed obsession.
I'm experimenting
with putting print order buttons directly on the gallery pages - there
are two milkweed pages (numbers 1 and 10) with the buttons. If other
milkweed images interest you, write me at
October 2, 2007
Added the Projects section with two new
project galleries: Flower colors, a series of
flower images in a range of colors, and Insect faces,
a series of insect portraits focusing on the face and eyes.